Monday, July 19, 2010

A Little Less = A Lot More

Feels like forever since I have seen my kids faces.  They are always in something electronic (They take after me there).  So today starts a week long journey for our family. We explained to them that we didn't have all the things they did growing up and that we were still happy. They just can't imagine not having all this stuff.

We are not going to extremes with it just a taste of what it was like. 

Things we are trying out this week.  These things are not set in stone, we are just making a conscience effort to find something else we could be doing instead!

We are watching live TV, I have to say I hate commercials and I don't think my kids have ever HAD to sit through them.

They are still able to get on them if needed to look up something but they are not spending all day on them.

The DS is easy since they never play it but since I got my new Droid Incredible they have been using my Ipod Touch a lot.

Comments so far this morning.
Kaia "What did we do to deserve a week?"
         "Did you have DVD's when you were a kid?'

1 comment:

  1. That's a good idea... Then it seems more of a creative project rather than a We-didn't-have-all-this-stuff! lesson. I have thought of doing the opposite, which is what we don't normally do since they are so young - let them make the rules one day for EVERYTHING (of course, making sure they are safe and are not spending all of our retirement). And then, after that day, maybe we could have a Mommy makes all the rules she wants without input. I'm getting excited! Have you tried either?
